Out of Stock
Parking space for motorhome
Price indicated per day and vehicle.
For registration of access to the Motorhome Area of Posada de Valdeón, click on the button link.
Out of stock
To access and enjoy the Posada de Valdeón Motorhome Area it is necessary to complete the Vehicle Access Register.
Fill in the attached form with the data requested to start the registration process.
Rules of use
- The public price for the entrance and use by motorhomes of the services available in the service areas and recycling points of municipal ownership, will be 15€/day.
- The maximum permitted parking time is 96 continuous hours during the same week.
- It is expressly forbidden to take clotheslines outside the motorhome.
- It is expressly forbidden to pour liquids or garbage of any kind and/or nature.
- Within the area the speed of vehicles of all categories cannot exceed 30km/h.
Some observations
- In order to guarantee optimum use and public use of the facilities owned by the municipality, all users of the service areas and motorhome recycling points have the obligation to communicate to the Municipality any technical impact, failure, malfunction, lack or improper use thereof.
- In order to avoid noise nuisance to the neighborhood and neighboring users a schedule is established in the service areas and recycling points for entry and exit of motorhomes and use of services from 8:00 hours to 23:00 hours..
- En los puntos de reciclaje de titularidad municipal se podrá estacionar por el tiempo indispensable para realizar las tareas correspondientes a los servicios que presta, tales como evacuación, abastecimiento y otros, estando prohibido expresamente permanecer más tiempo del necesario en el mismo, o hacer usos distintos de los autorizados At municipal recycling points it will be possible to park for the time necessary to perform the tasks corresponding to the services it provides, such as evacuation supplies and others, where it is expressly prohibited to stay longer than necessary in the supply, or to make uses other than those authorised